Cundall Manor School
Following its most recent inspection (2010), Cundall Manor has received the top rating from Ofsted with its Inspectors ranking the school’s quality of education as ‘Outstanding’. The Ofsted Report also referred to other areas with equally high praise with comments including:
“The curriculum, teaching and assessment are outstanding”
”The provision made for pupils’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural development is also outstanding”
“Exceptionally wide range of extra-curricular opportunities”
”Pupils make outstanding progress in all aspects of their development; many are working at levels above, and often well above, those expected for their age”
Of equal importance is the fact that those pupils interviewed by the Inspectors showed such enthusiasm for their school, commenting on how well everyone gets on with each other, summing the school up as “amazing” and that “they love school”.
For a school that prioritises fulfilling pupils’ educational, wellbeing and emotional needs, it is praise indeed.
Click on the link for a copy of the complete Ofsted Report Ofsted Report Cundall Manor School