Chocolate Cake Race and Vale Run
Another exciting whole school event took place last Friday in the form of the Chocolate Cake Race in which over 200 pupils took part.
The afternoon’s exciting events began with the Pre-Prep Race for Reception, PP1 and PP2. The children showed lots of determination and stamina and all of the staff were delighted to see everyone cross the line. The overall house winner was Tudors, with Tom Moody first for Reception, Monty Woodhouse for PP1 and Mathew Alton for PP2. Well done to all of the children for taking part and for finishing with a smile on their face!
Having cheered the younger pupils on, it was then the turn of the Main and Upper School pupils. The boys and girls endured two laps of the school grounds incorporating many aspects of the school. Within the race is the Vale Run for the more advanced runners taking on a longer distance. In the Upper School, the winner was Ben Mewes closely followed by Amalia Watkins as the first Upper School girl to finish. In Main School Naimh Watkins was the first girl to cross the line and Harry Hill completed proceedings being the first boy back. The winning House overall – who celebrated victory with an impressive chocolate cake produced by our catering staff – was Stuarts. Well done to everyone who took part.