Conker Cup 2014
What a sight it was to see the whole of Main and Upper School take to the quad for the inaugural whole school conker competition just before the exeat weekend last month. Equipped with the requisite conker on a string (all 200 of which were patiently prepared by Mr Bayne and his team of able Teaching Assistants!) every single pupil took on another pupil from another house in a knock out competition. It was good to see that age offers neither advantage nor disadvantage in the battle for conker supremacy as younger pupils pitted their skills against older pupils to whittle the field down to just two competitors from each House. These final eight competitors then faced each other one morning break time just before half term in the Conker Cup final, where again, older pupils found themselves being challenged by some of our youngest competitors. Huge congratulations go to Form 1’s Harvey Auckland who took on Thornton pupil Pippa Cook to win the Conker Cup 2014.