The Friends of Cundall
The Friends of Cundall Manor is a committee made up of parents, who work voluntarily, to arrange fundraising and social events for the school.
Members of the Committee are appointed to be responsible for various forms throughout the school. They inform parents of the various events taking place and most importantly introduce themselves to new parents to make sure they are aware of these events. It can be very daunting starting a new school, and not just for the children.
The Friends will make sure that even if parents do not already know anyone at school there will always be a friendly face to welcome them at each event. They will also encourage new parents to come along to coffee mornings so they can introduce them to others who have children in the same form.
A huge amount of effort goes into each event from selling tickets, sourcing raffle prizes, preparing food, serving and clearing up afterwards. As such, the Friends are always grateful to anyone who can help in any way!
Want to get involved in our fundraising?
We are keen to connect with all our Cundall friends and would love to hear from you if you would like to get involved. Contact us at