Pastoral Care
Children achieve their greatest success when they feel happy and safe in an environment where they feel respected and supported. At Cundall Manor there is a real sense of community around the school; an extended family where children of all ages mix together.
Through all aspects of school life, pupils are encouraged to develop initiative, self-discipline, an inquiring mind, and an enthusiasm for self-development and support of others, all within the social structures of school life.
Every Cundall pupil has an extensive team around them to support them. We want every pupil and parent to be part of this journey. By working in partnership with parents, we aim to provide the best possible support at school and at home.
Form Tutors
Every Cundall pupil has a Form Tutor. The Form Tutor oversees the pupil’s academic progress and pastoral care, providing advice and support on a daily basis, as well as being the first point of contact for pupils and parents. Pupils meet their tutor every morning before school. Each Form Tutor has a Teaching Assistant.
Heads of Phase
Each Year Group has an allocated Head of Phase. They support the Form Tutor and pupils. They oversee the Form Tutor Programme.
Wellbeing Support Teacher and Inclusion Support Team
We have an experienced Wellbeing Support Teacher within the school who has a range of techniques to support pupils if they may be finding school life difficult at times. Pupils can be referred for sessions. These sessions are held in the Lodge, a welcoming and supportive environment for our pupils.
All teachers are committed to the well-being of their class. The working environment of the classroom is one of mutual respect, trust, and care.
Our pastoral system is based on the principle of a working partnership between our parents and the school.