Harvest Festival Services
Our Pre-Prep children impressed us all with their wonderful singing, poetry recital, storytelling and acting in last Wednesday’s Harvest Festival service at Cundall Church. The theme for this year’s Harvest Festival this year was teamwork and the children certainly pulled together to delight the congregation. PP1 proudly held up their best conkers to accompany the poem “I’m a Little Conker” and their enthusiastic actions to “Autumn Leaves” brought that poem to life too.
PP2 were super harvesters of “The Enormous Turnip” as they acted out this story with bouncy songs too. The church looked beautiful thanks to the dedicated mothers who arranged our gifts most artistically around the church. Thank you too to Reverend Alison for leading the service and for taking so much joy in addressing our children.
The sun shone and the sky was a vivid blue as the whole of Main and Upper School made their way to Topcliffe Church last Friday afternoon for their Harvest Festival service. The congregation of pupils, staff and parents enjoyed a very special service, with amazing singing from the school in a selection of favourite Harvest hymns and beautifully delivered readings from the readers who represented different areas of the school. The pupils all read so clearly and extremely well.
The Chamber Choir sang with a rich, pure and sweet tone which filled the church. They really enjoyed their first public performance of the year, singing three lovely Harvest anthems. The Junior Choir sang ‘All Creatures of our God and King’. They performed very well and it was a joy to see so many Form 1 and 2 children singing together with such focus and conviction. It was great to see Topcliffe Church full; the atmosphere in the building was super.
Congratulations to the children in Form 4 who produced such a beautiful Harvest Festival stole for Reverend Alison. She was so thrilled to be able to wear a ‘bespoke’ stole for this school service. We must also pass on a big ‘thank you’ to the ladies who decorated the church and to everyone who attended and made it such a special occasion.