Latin scholars excel again
In February, four of our Latin pupils were recorded by Matthew Ford to enter a national Latin reading competition, organised by ARLT (Association for the Reform of Latin Teaching) for schools in this country. This the first time our school has entered this prestigious competition. Edward Kettleborough in the intermediate section, had to read a difficult 20 lines of Latin verse from Virgil Book 12 in the correct metre. The junior section was ably represented by Monty Powell, Felix Fawcett and Luke Mountford. Their task was to read a very emotional section from stage 17 of the Cambridge Latin Course involving the death of a slave boy defending a Roman citizen. All entries were judged on accuracy of pronunciation and the ability to convey the meaning and mood of the passage. Results have just been published. Luke achieved a “Highly Commended” certificate. This is especially praiseworthy as Luke was a late starter to Latin, so optime fecisti! Magistra Latina, Miss Kuit, is very proud of all of them and hopes our pupils will continue to enter in future years.