PP2 Explore Ripley Castle
Last Tuesday PP2 went to Ripley Castle. The children wanted to find out all about the castle so they could compare it with the castle on the island of Coll which they have been learning about. We were given a fascinating tour of the castle and the children particularly enjoyed going through a secret door and climbing up some step spiral stone steps to a room full of armour. Here they were lucky enough to try on a gauntlet which was made in the armouries of Henry VIII. We also found out about the family coat of arms and why it shows a wild boar. In the afternoon the children braved the rain to go on a walk through the grounds to create their own journey stick. They enjoyed searching for objects to attach to their sticks which would remind them of their journey. On their return to school the children used their journey sticks to create linear maps as part of our map making work in Geography.