Pre-Prep’s Healthy Me week

Pre-Prep spent the week before half term learning all about staying healthy and safe. The children had a visit from Sandra, an Accident & Emergency nurse to tell them all about what happens when they visit A & E department. Then Mr Smith, a dentist, explained to the chidlren all about how they should brush their teeth and which foods can be most damaging to teeth. Everyone was surprised to see the amounts of sugar in some foods, and the damage that can do! Pre-Prep completed their healthy week with a Healthy Me day where they had lots of fun doing Zumba along to their favourite songs, making delicious juices from vegetables and fruits and learning some First Aid. PP1 sold tasty, healthy snacks at break time to raise funds for Pre-prep i-pads. The week really helped everyone in Pre-Prep think about making safe and healthy choices.